Jack Kirby is the king of comics. There are few creators, comics or otherwise, that I admire and respect as much as Jack Kirby. It is one of my biggest regrets in life, that I never got a chance to meet him. While I’ve learned that you are sometimes better off never meeting your favorite celebrities (or hearing them talk or reading interviews etc. etc.), from every piece of evidence out there, he was gracious and never disappointed. There is no Marvel Comics without Jack Kirby. The list of characters he created or co-created, is almost endless. So it was with some trepidation that I sat down to read Genesis Volume 1.

The reason why I was concerned and had hesitation was due to my history with reading Dynamite Entertainment’s line of books. On paper, this should be my favorite comic book company. The owner is a great guy, Nick Barrucci, who has always been kind to me. Alex Ross is one of my favorite artists and his covers excite me like no other. Combine those with the fact that he has brought back many favorite heroes from the pulp and public domain/golden age of comics and their line should be a slam dunk. Yet starting with the HUGE disappointment called Project: Superpowers (which SHOULD have been one of my favorite books ever), it’s been one letdown after another. So I thought to myself, here we go again. However I was pleasantly surprised and it was mainly due to one of my faves, Kurt Busiek.

This may be Dynamite’s strongest book yet as the writing is very good, the art is perfectly suited to the story (reminding me of his Astro City partner Brent Anderson). And the players are so visually appealing ,thanks to the King. My only quibble is it’s hard to follow at times, especially with the names of the cast here. But other than that, I’m on board and I’m happy to give Nick my money.


Could Be You